School Management ERP Software
NeoCampus is one of the finest School Management ERP Software Development Company in Mumbai, India located at Belapur, Navi Mumbai. We offer user friendly and smart School Management System Solutions which is supported by team of superior software professionals. NeoCampus is one of the leading Education Software Solution Providers Company based in, Mumbai.
We offer high quality technology integration with your business services as per your requirement. We have more than 10 years of expert experience with School and Colleges Campus Management Software Services. We have developed large number of college and School Management Automated System for institution who are loacted in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Thane, Maharashtra as well as other cities of India. We have satisfied large number of clients all over the World. Our school managing software system supports nearly each and every Institute.
Who needs Education Institute Management Software?
If you have a Tuition, School or College institute and are in search for fast, secure and reliable school management system for your education institute, then you are at right place. NEOCAMPUS, an educational development software company offers you a potential packed software solutions with various integrated module inside it to full-fill your whole school and college management requirement.
School Management ERP Software by NeoCampus is designed in such a different way so that it can full-fill each and every aspect of Tuition and Classes, Primary & Secondary School and Colleges.

Following Modules are already running under Neocampus:
- Registration
- Document Management
- Admission
- Fee Management
- Cheque Management
- ECS Management
- Concession Management
- Examination Management
- Dynamic CCE Handling
- Board Exam Marks Import & Analysis
- Library
- Reserve Book Facility
- Purchase Management
- Store & Inventory Management
- Transport Management
- Payroll Management
- Accounting Management
- Class Teacher
- Activity Module
- Security Module
- Front Office Management
- Time Table Management
- Infirmary
- Hostel Management
- Mess Management
- Online Parent Login
- Online Teacher Login
- Online Admin Login