School Admission Management Software – NeoCampus
The NeoCampus is India’s most liked School Management Software with mobile apps for students, parents, teachers and management. This cloud-based online ERP ensures smooth functioning of the day-to-day school operations whereas NeoCampus enables parent-school interaction in an instant manner bridging all the possible communication gaps. The software is hosted on Google App Engine ensuring scalability and robustness. We offers best Admission Management Module in Navi Mumbai and Mumbai. Following are features of admission module
- Instant Registration
- Point Based Registration System
- Quick Admission
- Fast Document Handling
- Print I-Card of Students
- Search Students Information on Admission Module
- Import Student Records Using Excel
- Automatically Allot Sections On Given Criteria
- Automatically Assign Roll Numbers On Given Criteria
- Assign Optional Subjects
- Attach Student and Activity
- Biometric Card Handling in Efficient Way
- Around Thousands of Reports are Handled Under this Module